Hidden Flaws
JUNE 21st, 2021
It's early April 2016 and a trip was planned to take the family to experience a different culture. My anime loving daughter picked Japan and it just so happened to be during the two weeks of the year when the cherry blossoms were in full bloom.
The trees are absolutely beautiful for that time span, but what about the rest of the year when the leaves have all died out. Is the trunk still not as strong and bold to look at? How many people walk by it not even knowing how magnificient it could be?
In this day and age of social media, we often feel pressured into showing the world only the best parts of us as we hide the rest. Although this may make us feel good for a short amount of time, we are actually only living a partial life this way. We should learn to embrace our basic selves and not worry so much about what brings in the most likes on a post, because those flaws that we think we have are actually the backbone of how strong we really are.
