JULY 27th, 2021
In 2009 I traveled down the Nile river to Aswan, Egypt. There wasn't much to the city as it was mainly a hub for nearby day trips and excusions, and the sun was absolutely scorching despite it being November. With the elements against me, I still ventured out trying to find a great shot I could use of the city when I came upon this warped reflection in the water. I soon realized that I was focusing my time on finding a perfect shot and not enough time just taking in the environment as it was.
There's a blurred line between reality and make believe when we see other people's lives. Often we focus on the reflection they give off even though it may distort the truth and for whatever reason we tend to except that as fact. That's not a bad thing if you know how to process, but once you find yourself comparing your life to those reflections then that can cause much harm to how you see yourself.
It's very important to take what you see from others with a grain of salt, especially on social media. Just because someone else seems to have a perfect lifestyle doesn't mean they're without flaws, and striving to be on par with false reality is always a losing battle. Remember, the race we run is not meant to judge your distance with others, but to learn how to overcome the obstacles put in our own path.
