Deadly Lies
OCTOBER 19th, 2021
We've all heard the horror stories of the Nazi Concentration camps around World War II, but being able to experience the grounds first hand while in Auschwitz was an experience that I wasn't prepared for. The feeling of death loomed as you can still smell it in the air, and learning more of what transpired hit the heart muscle like no other. But it was this sign at the beginning of the camp reading "Arbeit Macht Frei" that really got to me, which means "Work Sets You Free".
Why do we feel the need to lie to ourselves and others when the truth is standing right in front of us? Perhaps it's because we have a hard time dealing with a world that seems more science fiction than reality, but that doesn't mean we should displace facts for unproven notions that at the time are more convenient.
No matter what you do in life it's always important to stay true to yourself. Allowing outside influences to creep in can damage the person inside so much that life becomes a blurred line and the people around you pawns on a chess board. So before you allow yourself to be influenced, find out what your motivation is. Even if your mind is sound that doesn't mean the entity providing you information has the same morals as you and may very well be taking you for a ride to serve their purpose and not yours.
