Being Bold
OCTOBER 12th, 2021
In September 2019 we set off on a Western US roadtrip and after several weeks found ourselves in Twin Falls. We didn't know anything about Idaho and were pleasantly surprised with the landscape, waterfalls and wineries scattered around.
At one of the local winies, I was intrigued by the different colored grapes on the same vine and wondered how many different varieties of wine could be made from them. Would these be made into a bold red for dry lovers or perhaps fortified and aged to give off a sweet taste.
Like people, wine has it's own personality with no two being the same. You may gravitate towards a certain kind whether red or white, sweet or dry, but not allowing yourself to branch out to explore your palate may cause you to miss out on all of the wonders it could bring. So next time you find yourself with a choice of wine to taste, be bold and choose one outside of your normal spectrum. It may not end up being one you'd buy, but could expand your horizons on something new.
