Before The Fire
OCTOBER 26th, 2021
In 2017, I was able to take my son along on an overseas adventure with our first stop being in Paris. Between the Eiffel Tower, catecombs, Sacre Coeur and Louvre there are infinite ways to enjoy the city, but one place in particular that has stood in my heart was Notre Dame Cathedral.
Over a year after we visited, the cathedral had a major fire that burnt down the roof and caused extensive damage, so much so that they have no plans to reopen until at least 2024. I'm very thankful that I was able to view this place before the fire, and have my son witness it first hand as well, but I now wonder how they plan to reconstruct it.
Just because something in our life is torn down doesn't mean it's lost forever. Sometimes we need to lay to rest our past and other times rebuild what was destroyed, but our memories should always keep us moving forward. Many of us get stuck in the past without any means of escaping, but we must continue to find new ways to not only remember what we once had but make it better for the years to come. Only then can we truly feel like we have lived.
