New Beginnings
AUGUST 31st, 2021
During a two week tour of Japan we took a day trip to the island of Miyajima, and even though the weather wasn't the best it was still nice to get away from the big city. After roaming around a bit I came across this couple walking hand-in-hand under the bridge that instantly sparked my imagination. Were they newly in love, or perhaps reconnecting after years of familiarity?
There's something inspiring about beginning a new life with someone, but the uncertainty can be just as scary. How long will this last and is this person really "the one" are questions that can ultimately sabotage a relationship before it even takes off. So how do we know if we made the right choice? The short answer is, we don't. There's a lot of luck that goes into making a relationship work, but there are also tricks that can make a good relationship better.
Trust and compromise are ways to keep a relationship going, but if you really want to make it long-lasting then learn to take ego out of the equation. Seeing issues through the perspective of your partner will not only allow you to smooth out any possible arguments, it can also help to better understand where they're coming from.
