Heavenly Wonder
MAY 27th, 2021
It was a long day of sightseeing as we took the train on a day trip to Bellinzona. We didn't know what to expect other than it was a few hours trip from Milan and the closest city in Switzerland that looked decent enough to travel to. It was also day 15 of the trip and our legs were overly extended at this point, and of course the town doesn't have any real public transportation. We were lucky to get anything as it seemed nobody spoke a lick of English.
The views of the castles and mountains were enough to consider the trip worth the while, but we were fully exhausted by the time we took the train back to Milan, and that's when it hit me: Why not go back to the Duomo to see it at night time?
It would've been easy to take the metro back to our hotel and call it a day, as the thought of our bed was tempting me all the same, but in the back of my mind something felt unfinished. My wife wanted to protest as she could barely move, but one look into my eyes and she knew this was something I needed to do.
As we exited the metro station we were pleasantly greeted by the illuminated sight of the cathedral. Unlike the other day when the courtyard was packed with pedestrians and street sellers, it was now virtually empty with only a scattered few lingering around. We gawked at this heavenly wonder for quite some time to wrap our heads around the beauty of this man-made structure. Being the third largest cathedral in the world you can't help being awestruck at the six centuries it took to build.
It was at this moment when my wife turned to me and said, "Thank you for bringing me here, tonight!"
