Not Giving Up
April 19th, 2022
It's an eerie feeling being in Auschwitz. It starts with a bus ride where they reply a video showing the horrors that went on during World War II, which turns your stomach more than the winding road, and once there you're faced with this lonely train track leading straight into the camp.
I can't imagine the feeling of lost hope that consumed each person as they walked painfully to their last moments of life, but somehow they never gave up. Many pressed on, unsure of what the day may bring but knowing all to well that it could very well be there last.
No matter what trials we face in life we should all be reminded of the freedoms that we enjoy each and every day. Things may not always go as planned but that should never leave us thinking we can't power through. Strength is measured not by brute force but by perseverance, and the more you can learn to be patient with the process the more you may be rewarded.
