J Alan Photography

















































Jeff Danhauser has spent the majority of his life traveling the globe in search for his place in it..  A professional photographer by trade and spanning six continents and 150+ cities, Jeff set out to capture the raw emotion we all feel regardless of which country we call home.  What began as a simple journey of self worth became a quest to connect all of us as human beings.

As a self-taught photographer spanning two decades, he uses a unique blend of black and white with strategic color emphasizing a mood.  Each piece abstractly allows the viewers to create their own assumptions of emotion as well as provide his own inspiration and thoughts.  Even though his work is specifically created to tell a story, he understands that everyone has their story as well.

With home bases of Los Angeles and now New York City, Jeff has surrounded himself with the ideal settings to bring his work to life.  He has sold numerous photographs independently as art decor, but has always considered his true passion of raw emotion more alluring, and the quest to find that emotion in even the most basic of places enticing. 


His story begins in Houston, Texas as a sometimes troubled teenager getting into the wrong crowd. Through dealing with an absent-minded father and a mother coping with life, Jeff knew he needed to create an outlet to keep him in check, and art won out.

In his first ever art class in the eighth grade his instructor quickly took notice as he was moved into the intermediate class after only two weeks into the semester.

He would need this new outlet as the following years took him to three different high schools and a move to the small town of Aurora, Missouri to begin his junior year due to his father losing his long time job as a systems analyst for an oil company.

After graduation, he attended Southwest Missouri State University as an art major but soon discovered the three hour drawing classes were not his forte. Throughout his four years he enrolled in everything he could to build up his knowledge of going into business for himself and being a well rounded person. Psychology, Communications, Computer Science and even Elementary Ed were courses that has helped shape not only his art but who he is today.

Aurora is also where he met his wife making him a husband at age 19 and soon a father at age 21. No longer about himself, it was time to put his instincts to good use as he started his own ebay business. Within three years his family uprooted across country to Los Angeles, California to further pursue a dream of inspiration. Jeff figured, how was he going to teach his kids they could go after anything they wanted in life if he was unable to do so himself. The best way was to show it was possible.

In 2005, he purchased his first Canon camera with the original hopes of saving money by shooting his own acting headshots. What began as a hobby quickly turned into a profession as actors from all over the LA area sought out his services and eye for capturing the right look. He soon realized all of the courses he took in college helped him establish trust with his newfound clients.

Within two years, the income was rolling in which funded his first trip to Europe and never looked back. There was no area in the world safe from Jeff's traveling ways as Egypt, China, Turkey and many more European countries quickly crossed off his list. The more he explored each city the more he realized his knack for capturing unique angles which lets his audience feel as if they're on the trip with him.

In 2020, in the heart of the COVID pandemic and with his kids moving on to college out of state, Jeff soon came to the notion that 17 years in Los Angeles was long enough. It was time to venture off to the east coast to New York City.

A loving father of two great kids, a caring husband to an awesome wife, a few acting credits under his belt, two novels published with his third on the way, and now with his gallery collection in hand; the sky is truly the limit.